Laboratory animal

Activity&Exploration :
IR Actimeter, Activity Wheel
Depression : Forced-swimming test, Tail Suspension test
Motor Function&Coordination :
RotaRod, Treadmill, Rotometer, Grip test
Anxiety :
Black and White Box, Elevated-Plus Maze, Vogel test
Learning&Memory-Attention :
Passive Box, Shuttle Box, Radial Maze, Reward Self-administration, Spatial Place Preference, Startle Reflex and Fear Conditioning,5/9 Holes
Pain&Inflammation :
Tail-Flick test, Hot/cold plate, Rat Paw Pressure, Von-Frey, Plethysmometer,Incapacitance test
Video tracking
Metabolism, Food&Drink Intake and Activity :
Physiocage, Treadmill, Rat Neonate, Phecomp
Organ bath :
Tissue bath, Transducers, Recorders, Stimulators, Software
Laboratory :
Homeothermic System, Thermometers, Infusion Pumps, Anethesia Systems, Pyrogen Test,Stereotaxic
Indirect Pressure N.I.B.P. :
Non-invasive Blood Pressure System
Mold Medical ComponentsCustom Medical cables and connectorsNeuroscience Cannula Systems
Neurosceince/Physiology Research EquipmentAny-maze (Video tracking for behavioral experiments)Psychological TestsPolygraph instruments